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“I’ve been in love with working out for a while now but this year started to do HIIT and strength workouts. This new style has changed me in so many ways not only physically but also mentally. Recently I joined a squad of women all hoping to better themselves while doing amazing workouts and cheering each other on. It was the first group that Tanci started for her 30th birthday and has grown into something that is incredibly special to all of us. I do the workouts everyday and I'm stronger than I ever have been but not only because of the exercise but because of the women themselves.”


“What seems impossible today will someday be your warmup...
The first month of this #turnupsquad I was in it for fun...then I watched all these ladies go beast mode and it pumped me up hard core. Like I have never had a group of like minded women pushing the shit out of each other daily. I can’t stand missing a workout because I not only don’t want to let myself down, but these other women are waiting for me to show up. I show up daily. I eat healthy. I drink my Ketones. I am stronger today then I ever have been. Physically & emotionally I am a new person.
Goal weight- STRONG AF. Tanci, this group is a game changer & I’m so proud to be a part of the Squad and see how far it has come! Ladies...y’all want in on this. I promise.”


“Not only have I gained endurance, lost inches, and become stronger physically, y’all this girl is fueling my mental wellness too…I have come to realize over these last 2 months that I may not be the shiniest most polished gem in the show case, but I accept and love all of my imperfections! I love my perfectly imperfect self!”


“Umm, can we talk? Being a part of this squad is one of the best things I could have done for myself! I broke through my month-long plateau, I feel stronger, I am starting to notice differences in my body, and an amazing support system on top of that…”


“This squad has not only pushed me outside my limits in my workouts, but has made me into a stronger person.  I can tell that I am stronger-I can flex and see muscle gains-I love burpees!  I have lost inches.  My pants are getting looser--ALL of that and more is nice, BUT this tribe has helped me become a better/stronger/more confident woman.”


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